COVID-19 & The Uncertainty of Our Travel Blog

All Inclusive Resort Tips Coronavirus COVID-19

Our very first blog post was published on December 29, 2019 and All Inclusive Tips was off!  The last time I posted anything before this was March 2, 2020. That already feels so long ago, but it’s only been about a month.  The Coronavirus (COVID-19) has halted all sense of normalcy. People aren’t traveling and for good reason.  

My husband started taking notice about mid-January as to this novel virus in China and from that point on it became something he kept a very close eye on.  For a while I was like it’s far away, we don’t need to worry too much about it. Plus I was like we need to go on our all inclusive vacation to Punta Cana in February.  We kept watching and we were fortunate enough to go on our trip and get back no problem.

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Not too long after we got back (February 18, 2020) things with Covid-19 started to pick up.  I looked back at my Facebook and saw my March 4th post was an article about traveling in the time of the Coronavirus and even at that time the article was mostly leaning towards people cancelling/postponing.  I know there were still a lot of people traveling and saying it was still safe depending on where you were going. On March 9th I posted an article about Italy being locked down and it was like whoa things are getting more real.  People were talking about quarantining, social distancing, and so on. The company I work for had even sent out a mass email at the end of February about how they were monitoring the situation and pushing people to work from home; fortunately I had already been doing that for about a year and a half, so I was set.  When I look back at March I feel like it was dominoes, we had set them up and they started falling and quickly.  

I had felt like I had been making some good progress with our travel blog and I had content planned out for March, April and even into May.  There are articles written or started and many ideas of what we would talk about and then it all stopped. I had been spending a lot of time on Pinterest trying to grow, but I noticed pretty quickly that people were not looking for travel related things and I have pretty much stopped at this point.  I post little to none on my Facebook page and Instagram I have been trying to post about 3 times a week in order to stay relevant and hopefully not lose followers in this strange time. I have been wrestling a lot with what is the best course of action. I know we are all in the same boat and this is completely uncharted waters.  

Somedays I just want to put my hands up and say forget, maybe next year?  Then I’m like, nope just do what you can like writing this post. My hope is in a couple of months things will start to get better and people will be thinking and planning travel down the road and I can roll out some of my content I have been hanging on to.  It is so hard to predict what life will be like a week from now let alone a couple months. That I think has been one of the hardest things. Unfortunately we most likely won’t do any more all inclusive vacations in 2020, which makes me sad, but I know we’ll do it again and at least I can say we were able to get one trip in.

Are you struggling with what to do with your blog in these strange times? Please comment and let us know what you are doing right now.